Thursday, February 5, 2009

Animal Crossing Loads of Fun!

Well I'm hooked on Animal Crossing Wii! Game has alot of depth even though I seem to be running fruit back and forth to Tom's shop LOL. I've been trying to get the fountain in the game by donating to the town fund and finally got it today :) . well at least they tell me they are building the fountain. I currently have 3 stories on my house and will be working to get the basement now that I finally got the fountain. Now yes that pic is me with my apple flag LOL. However I also have a sora flag I made from kingdom hearts and usually have that displayed. One of my favorite things to do is trying to catch rare fish with my trusty fishing pole. I neglect my towns people a bit by ignoring them and not sending mail to them so they will more then likely move out LOL. So i'm going to post my friend code and if you would like join me just email me your FC and I will ad you to friends.

My Friend Code: 3824-2649-3096

Town Name: Sundance

Character Name: Pico


nectarsis said...

Sounds like a crappy "landlord" ;) May actually have to finally mess with one of these games. Nice read. :)

Windancer said...

Do It! Muhahahahahaha