Sunday, October 26, 2008

Go Go Birdie Chance By Windancer

Go Go Birdie Chance is a title that is much sought after and very expensive to obtain. The opening to the game has some very nice anime stills and music. The game looks great from the from the opening. You have 2 choices of play when you start the game. You can choose story mode or free play. In story mode you play the part of a coach and have to level up your golfer to get better abilities so you can hit the ball farther and accurately. The story mode is pretty bogged down with a ton of text to get through before you even hit the course to play. I'm into the story mode 5 hours and still im having no success at winning a round against my computer opponent. The graphics in this game are pretty ugly and the gameplay itself is not much better. However I must say the sound in this game really sets the mood for the game. You can hear birds, wind , frogs croaking, just an overall good feel when it comes to the sounds.

Gameplay consists of the usual power bar in golf games. However after 5 hours of playing this game I still have trouble with accuracy. when I click the 1 button to swing the club the power starts to go up then when I click the 1 button again to set power the accuracy part of the swing wigs out and goes really fast to set the accuracy for a 3rd click. Also one thing I noticed is that there are no trees in front of me according to the onscreen map but in the 1st person screen there are trees sitting right in front of me from the tee. Like i'm never looking down the fairway?Hmmmm! No matter where I set the direction target the trees are always there. After I hit a ball, it flys right into the trees no matter if I hit the ball right on or I hit a missed swing! These trees are really annoying me and never looking down a fairway annoys me even more!

I must say, for such a high priced rare title this game really stinks. I realize you have to level up your up your golfer that you choose for the story mode to get anywhere in the game, but after 5 hours of play and making no headway I have totally givin up on this game and wont be forking out the 100+ This Game costs to obtain. The Fact that these trees on the 3d screen are constantly in your way when the 2d map shows no trees is just totally annoying! No matter where you set your aiming crosshair the trees remain in your way. I had such High hopes for this game as I love a good sports title, especially golf games. I even tried the free play mode and didnt have much luck playing that either.

If you want to play a good a golf game on pcengine, I highly recommend picking up Human sports Festival for the rock bottom low price of 5.00 bucks. You can get it from Rising Stuff. Just request it by emailing either Alex or Kevin (sensei) either one can get it for you. Also Hit Japan on Ebay has copies and have sold it as low as 3.99. If you must get a copy of Go Go Birdie Chance for collecting purposes it will run you anywhere from 120.00 to 150.00 but is not worth that cost. It's one game that I will skipping and very dissapointing. Now this is just my oppinion on the game. There have been good reviews on Go Go Birdie Chance. Obviously this game is not for me. But I'm not willing to take that chance on such a high priced title. There are better golf games out there for your hard earned money.

Spread the Joy of Pcengine! Windancer

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