Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Secret Santa Sign Up

Hello Everybody and welcome to the first Secret Santa Hosted By PCEnginefan.
Here are the rules:

1. This is probably the most important rule. If you are planning to sign up and are not very good at following through or have been a bad trader. Please do us all a favor and don't sign up! If you sign up and do not send your gift out by december 20th you will be chastized, ripped, and Humiliated at the pcenginefx shoutbox. I would definately never show your face there again.
2. The minimum is 10 dollars and a 20 dollar max for your gift.
3. when you send in your email please list 4 items that you would like to have pertaining to gaming. also list 4 items you would like to get that are None gaming in case someone cannot score that title your lookin for. Also include your home address in your sign up so I can forward it to your recipient and you recieve your gift.
4. signups will run from september 3rd through october 1st. I will then draw names and match everyone up by sending emails out. I will send out emails on october 2nd and 3rd for who you got to buy a gift for.
5. Gifts must me sent out to your Secret Santa Partner by december 20th. If for any reason you cannot make that date email me and explain why you can't make the date so I can email your recipient and explain things to them. But really try and get your gifts out on or before december 20th.
6. Have fun thats the most important part. If you think you cannot follow through for any reason please do not sign up. If you can think of some rules I might have left out please email me and I will get them up. This should be really simple But I may have forgotten something important

Please Email me at to sign up

Cant find a gift on Ebay for your Secret Santa Gift? Try these fine online stores:



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